Palm Sunday
As we imagine ourselves in the crowd on this day, may we remember that they are supposed to be praising Caesar, but instead they are shouting for the one entering the city on a donkey. Their singing is subversive, courageous, and contagious. Their praise shows the ripple effect of public displays of faith.
Join us at Foothills United Church to commemorate Jesus’s last scupper with his disciples. There will be a potluck supper and a worship 6:00 pm
Maundy Thursday Service
Good Friday Service
Join us at St. Thomas United Church on March 29, 2024, 10:30 am for our Good Friday Service. This service will be held in conjunction with Foothills United Church, Symons Valley United Church and St. Thomas United Church. We will be having Coffee and Fellowship time at 9:30 am, before the service, rather than after. We are honoured to have the choirs of Symons Valley and St. Thomas performing on this most solemn of days.
Join us at the lookout in Scenic Acres off of Silver Crest Dr. NW for a special Easter Sunrise Service 7:00 am, Sunday March 31, 2024. There will be a light meal at St. Thomas United Church after the service, before the main Easter service at 10:30am.
Click the link below for a Google map of the location:
Easter Sunrise Service
Easter Service
Join us at 10:30 am to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus this Easter. We will also be having communion.