St. Thomas United Church Executive Council

St. Thomas is very fortunate to have amazing leaders who engage in ministry with our staff. While each leader has specific areas of responsibility, together the leaders and staff seek to embody the Vision and Mission of St. Thomas and ensure that it is evident in all aspects of what we do. St. Thomas has a two tier leadership model consisting of committees/team that are more ‘hands on,’ project, or task oriented; and an Executive Council, made up of elected positions and chairs of committees, that exercises more of an oversight and policy development role.


Linda Miller



Past Chair:

Linda Miller


Greg Hyatt


Cathy Olson

Regional Representatives:

Hugh Johnson, Linda Miller, Diane Paley.

Affirming Team Commitee Chair:

Evangeline Robertson

Building and Property Committee Chair:

David Blackadar

Communications Committee Chair:

Todd J. Robertson

Community Engagement Committee Chair:

Hope Cochran

Faith Formation Chair:

Gale Wilderman

Finance Committee Chair:


Hospitality Team Committee Chair:

Wanda Veer

Ministry and Personnel Committee Chair:

Maureen Dodd

Outreach Committee Chair:

Hope Cochran

Pastoral Care Committee Chair:

Richard Taylor-Kerr

Paths to Reconciliation Committee Chair:

Elaine Gray

Planning Team Committee Chair:

Linda Miller

Music Team Committee Chair:

Elaine Taylor-Kerr

Stewardship Committee Chair:

Bob Nixon

Trustees Committee Chair:

David Gray

Worship Committee Chair:

Cathy Rivard

Youth Advisory Committee Chair:

Elaine Taylor-Kerr