Greetings. We are Jan and Keith Campbell, coordinators of the Primetimers’ group at St. Thomas United Church.
Primetimers is a friendly, welcoming group that usually meets once a month (excluding July and August). Currently, there are over one hundred participants. Anyone is welcome to attend.
Coffee and A Chat: We meet at St. Thomas, usually once a month, at 10:00 am. The specific date is advertised in our Church Bulletin, Newsletter and in the Church Narthex. We encourage fellowship, laughter, and the sharing of ideas, memories and opinions (all in good fun!). On occasion, we may invite someone to address the group on a specific topic, and then, have a friendly discussion. Snacks fuel our enthusiasm!
Each December, we have a Christmas Luncheon. Our last one was held at our very own, beautiful Mountainview Room, at St Thomas United Chinch. It was a catered luncheon (An Affair to Remember). About 60 people came, including Tracy and our new Minister, Rev. Marion Martin. The Strummers, led by Ron French, once again entertained and led us in Christmas songs.
Outings: – At times, instead of meeting for Coffee, we attend events (such as Theatre, Musical events, Church dinners, tours, etc.).
One month, we would meet on Tues or Thurs for coffee and a chat in STUC Narthex. We ask for a Toonie donation to cover some costs and some people bring treats voluntarily. Special events, like St. Patrick’s Day are celebrated(often with our Strummers).
In the alternate month, we do not host coffee at the church. Keith and I would organize an outing (Morpheus Theatre, Roszma Centre for Wind Instrument concert, dinner at a restaurant, etc., fundraising Fall Turkey dinner at a church). Again, 40-50 people attend.
Each Spring (May or June), we have a BBQ picnic at Bowness Park. About 60 people attend. Rev.Tracy attends as well. We include this, because, we often get feedback from people about how pleased they were that Rev. Tracy takes the time to attend our events.
We continue to keep in touch with all of our Primetimers (over 100 members) by email. The feedback has been incredible. People want to feel that connection to STUC , even if they are no longer able to attend our events in person and, to know they are missed.
We hope that the above information gives you an understanding of our group, its members, activities, and goals. If you have any questions, or, would like to start receiving our emails, just contact us at”(403-909-7402).
Jan and Keith Campbell