Youth Group
All youth in grades 7 through 12 are welcome as are their friends. Please watch the following short video to see the fun we have together.
Sunday morning youth group is a time to catch up with everyone and engage in thoughtful discussions about spiritual topics, social justice and life in general. There is youth group each week from the Sunday after Labour Day until late June. .
We have a weekly social activity that includes youth from both St. Thomas and Symons Valley United. Activities range from playing games at the church to off site activities such as mini golf, bowling, Lazer tag, etc. Some will be indoors and some will be outdoors. Activities may be at one of the Churches or another venue. Activities will typically be held Friday evening from 7:00 – 9:00. There will be the occasional Saturday or Sunday event. For events held at St. Thomas we start in the upper hall or parking lot, and for events at Symons Valley, we start in the foyer or parking lot. Variations to event days or times will be communicated in weekly emails.
If you have any questions or would be interested in receiving emails regarding social activities and Sunday discussion topics, check out the youth group registration and information package, talk to Jonah, Serena, or Isaac or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
When youth who have not already registered during the current school year arrive at a social event they must bring a completed Registration package that has been signed by a parent or guardian.
Leaders Jonah, Serena, and Isaac look forward to seeing you!
Sunday Morning Activities:
Sunday morning programming will occur during the Church service each week. The youth leaders will send out an email at the start of each week that will describe the discussion topic for the week. If you wish to be added to the email distribution list, please email
Social Events
Social events are in person and include youth from both St. Thomas and Symons Valley United Churches. We will include both indoor and outdoor events. The location will alternate between the two Churches. The youth leaders will send out an email at the start of each week to let you know what activity will be taking place, time of the event and the location. If you wish to be included on the weekly email, please email
Check Out Naked Faith – a worship service for all, specifically youth and young adults.